Thursday, May 19, 2011

when dreams break...

My trip is not happening after all.
Chandan's passport is still not back, & we're just waiting to cancel the tickets.
I don’t even know why I'm writing this, as words can never express some feelings, but I guess, since I started to chronicle the anticipation, might as well note down the fall.
One day, all this might seem very trivial, but while enjoying the 44 degree centigrade soaring temp that's hard to believe,
& I realize when dreams shatter; realities hardly make up for them!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rumble tumble roar: The good night poem!

The thunder rumbles, tumbles, roars,
The wind races, rises, soars..
Raindrops go splish, raindrops go splash,
lightnings silently, brilliantly flash..
Sweet dreams sweetly awareness steals..
Till all this I can no longer feel!

When nothing works out........

Right now that's the status of my planned trip.....
Passport of Chandan, still with US embassy.
Flight tickets to London, done.
Cannot apply for UK visa as we're waiting for Chandan's passort.
Cannot check Chandan's visa status online, as the file is corrupt.
Hotel bookings will be confirmed or not next week, that's the week of 9th May.
Have not felt like this since my first crush, will I be graced with a look, a smile, an entire joke?! Really it's sickening, & no pain, no gain, has a totally new relevance in my present thought mode! God bless mere mortals when they dare to dream! & that is really my last hope :-)