Monday, January 3, 2011

2011: Thoughts during a cold cold January!

I'm cold to my bones, having not a single warm bone in my body,
all apparently are located in my heart!
& this is the tale every winter,
as sometimes even higher evolved mammals called homosapiens are cold blooded living beings,
example in this case being me!
But why me?
Every shivering moment I think: Why me?
In plain Hindi: Itna sardi kyon hain Bhai?

As I grow older, I realize how easy it is to lose the folks most special to us.
You move states, your family represents numbers on your mobile.
You move houses, your friends represent more numbers on your mobile.
You change lifestyles or jobs, your acquaintances represent more numbers to be deleted from your mobile.
Maybe the contact list is too long, & the contact too brief!

& if indeed we're the sumtotal of all our thougts & experiences,
then boy, does life let us know the truth of the words:
We come alone, & we go alone.

Despite such deep thoughts,
wishing myself a happy new year! :-)